31 Oct 2009

Support Frances Woodard!

Image #1 by @tokioh

Image #2 by @Zan_

If you have a twitter please tweet: #Praying4Frances to show your support! She was attacked last night. Please send out good messages and tweet this today.

New Facebook Group Launched!


Cinema Bizarre UK Support now has Facebook! Also a new email account has been launched. All mail to this address please: cinema.bizarreuk@live.co.uk

Peace out!

30 Oct 2009

Another "My Obsession" Flyer!

I made this one so you can print them out small and not waste too much ink :) Happy halloween!

My Obsession - The New Single!

Hey guys, Cinema Bizarre are releasing the second single from their (amazing) album, Toyz. It's called My Obsession and it is released on the 27th November. Let's make it a hit! Print off this flyer if you can, or post it onto any website or link this page! More "My Obsession" advertising gear coming later tonight.. maybe you could give these out when you give kids their halloween sweets! FANACTION time!! ;)

29 Oct 2009

Interview with Strify for Russian Bravo!

B: Hi, Strify, what’s up?
Strify: Fine! And you?

B: OK! Our congratulations to you with the release of the second album. And,there is a question to you at once: weren’t you afraid, that among a lot of groups the first album is often much more better than the second one?
Strify: On the threshold of the release of the second album we were more nervous, than on the threshold of the release of the first one. We expected absolutely any reaction, but as a result, everything was in the best way.

B: The music of Cinema Bizarre develops together with the group. Didn’t you have a crafty plan, for example, “today we follow this way, tomorrow that way and the day after tomorrow we will begin playing funk or disco”?
Strify: Well, yes, our music keeps on developing with every day and every album. If you listen to the first and the second albums, there will be evident difference. I think, we will keep on our bold experiments.

B: In the USA there also was the release of your album, wasn’t it?
Strify: Yes, it’s very interesting mix of tracks from both albums.

B: How did the American audience meet the album? With the European one is clear as noondayJ
Strify: Unfortunately, it was put up for sale recently at all, and that’s why I can’t tell you exactly, if it was met well or not. Nevertheless, I hope to get good news.

B: Let’s talk about Russia. You have been to our country not for the first time, haven’t you?
Strify: Aha, we gave here 5 concerts.

B: What do you think about Russian audience?
Strify: The audience is absolutely incredible! People have such a wild energy. Every time, when we play concerts, it’s a great pleasure for all of the members of the group. We enjoy every minute on the stage.

B: Are our fans much louder than in another countries?
Strify: Yes, much louder, I think! During our concerts their good mood just brims over, that’s why there is too much noise! (laughing)

B: What about Russian girls?
Strify: Well…

B: Only honestly!
Strify: They are super. They have incredible resplendent smiles.

B: At our editor’s office one funny tradition appeared: we like to ask different groups about the dish, which they tasted in Russia. What dish of Russian national cuisine did you like most of all?
Strify: Last time we were in Krasnodar and tasted a sort of the dish, its name, unfortunately, I don’t remember. I think, it was okroshka. Is there such dish?

B: Yes, there is! We are glad, that you liked it. Listen, recently we found in the internet combined pic with you and Miyavi. You are great fan of him, aren’t you?
Strify: Yes, it’s true.

B: Except Miyavi, whom of the Japanese musicians do you like?
Strify: (without hesitation) I love so much Dir en Grey, D’espairs Ray, also I like L’Arc - en - Ciel very much. I mean, I don’t concentrate on something one. It develops taste and it’s very useful for our music.

New Version of I Came 2 Party!

I like the original WAY better, but what do you think?

Signing sessions in SPAIN!

29.10.2009 Sevilla @ Sala Q Spanien

*Date: 29th Octubre
*Venue: FNAC Sevilla - Avda. de la Constitución, 8
*Time: 18:00-19:30 hrs


30.10.2009 Getafe (nähe Madrid)@ Old School Spanien

*Date: 30th Octubre
*Venue: FNAC PARQUESUR - C.C. Parquesur - Avd. Gran Bretaña s/n (Leganés)
*Time: 17:30-19:00 hrs.


31.10.2009 Barcelona - Razzmatazz

*Date: 31 de Octubre
*Venue: FNAC TRIANGLE - Plaza Catalunya, 4
*Time: 18:00 hrs - 19:30 hrs.

Catch up: New CBTV Episode & New Single!


My Obsession

We Are All Toyz - CBTV Episode 22

18 Oct 2009

The many, many, many tattoos of Yu Phoenix - with some new ones!

XIII - "lessons need to be learned"

Wings - "invisisble things want to get inked"

Way of the firebird - "out of ashes"

Vamp shot - "only the future matters"

Triforce - "the hero of time"

Sora - "someday"

Phoenix - "never give up"

Nessa's kissmark - "your kiss will stay forever"

Nessa - "the eternal princess"

Black Rose "all beauty hurts"

777 "a tribute to myself"

369 - "a tribute to myself"

17 Oct 2009

Catch up! - CBTV - New Episode, New Myspace Layout & Display Pics & New Video from Shin!

Sorry these are so late, but I've been away >.<

New Layout on MYSPACE

New Display Pics too! (Though Kiro's is the same)

New Shin & his video camera video!

13 Oct 2009

Cinema-Bizarre.com finally online again!

It was down with a virus for ages, but i checked on it yesterday, and it's back up! If you don't the address, though it's verging on the obvious, click HERE

12 Oct 2009

2 New Dates!

11 November 2009
West World/ Minsk

12 November 2009
Progresja/ Warsaw

Fingers crossed we'll have some UK dates soon!

11 Oct 2009

Tokio Hotel laugh at Cinema Bizarre!

Nasty boys! ¬_¬

TH: Hi we are Tokio Hotel and this is Actustar.com

Georg: Awesome....
All: Wow...
Bill: Great cover in my opinion...this is the cover of our single Automatisch. We thought, the best thing to describe the meaning of the song is to take robot-arm, something totaly inhuman and the best symbol for a human...the heart.

Bill: It had to be a fast video, with sharp cuts, because we wanted to transport a bit the energy of the song. Always by listening to the song, we got the feeling..this is a car-drive-song...you have to be in you car and turn up the sound as loud as possible..That's why we absolutly wanted cars in the video. And in this case the story about the girl without true feelings is narrated by the female robot. They had been developed and designed especialy for us...Tokio-Hotel-robots....Ja..it is a cool video....

Bill: No...how does it feel? Ja..in someway...no...not funny...absolutly normal...we didn't changed that much. We have no regrets about it...i still recognized us, that is actually what i wanted to say

Tom: We are still in a good shape...

Bill: There is nothing that we have to be ashamed of or would do differently. Everthing you have done...even mistakes...belongs to it...that makes us what we are...

Bill: Ohh..jaa..that is absolutly a very special picture....we have been so proud. This is a point in your carrier, you will never forget. That is still a very special moment for us...you have it in you heart..and we are still very proud of it.

All: laughing....

Bill: Hm...i don't know what to say...i have no clue

Tom: They look like a hairdresser from Magdeburg

Bill: No...not at all...it could not be loud enough...we are so grateful to have such fans...

Bill: No..unfortunatly not. There is almost no pirvacy. We try to preserve a piece of it...with our friends and our families...but it is only partially possible. That is a bad point...but you have to deal with it...

All: Wow...

Bill: Well informed...we had just published it. That is the cover of our album. It looks great and we are very satisfied with it

Tom: It took a long time. We had a clear idea, of how we wanted it to be..and it took a long time to put in that way, that it fitted....and we are proud of it...i think it looks very well...

Bill: There were no specific influences or a band on which we had been focused. After a long time we met and started to write songs and asked ourselve about our progress and which kind of music we wanted to make. We had a clear vision and during the production it has been developed...actually it is still Tokio Hotel only this time a little bit different.

Bill: It was different this time...From the beginning we recorded both languages..and that was a lot of work...we wrote the songs in both languages and this time we didn't tranlated it word for word....it is the same theme..but not word for word... No compromise..both version should be hot and that is why we have done it in that way....

Gustav: Grandiose
Georg: Varied
Tom: Awesome

Bill: ...( don't know lol )

Gustav: och...

My new CB fanvideo!

I was really inspired by the song and I decided to make this =)

Shin & Kiro - Addicted to your mind. from Zan owens on Vimeo.

10 Oct 2009

Cinema Bizarre working on new dates!


"We are currently working on new European tour dates of the WE'RE ALL TOYZ Tour that will be announced very soon. Keep yourself updated by checking the wonderful facebook page and stay bizarre!"

9 Oct 2009

7 Oct 2009

New picture of Shin & Yu on myspace!

I love Shin's hair colour here, and it looks like Yu's getting a stubble xD Somebody needs to shave, no?

4 Oct 2009

1 Oct 2009