18 Oct 2009

The many, many, many tattoos of Yu Phoenix - with some new ones!

XIII - "lessons need to be learned"

Wings - "invisisble things want to get inked"

Way of the firebird - "out of ashes"

Vamp shot - "only the future matters"

Triforce - "the hero of time"

Sora - "someday"

Phoenix - "never give up"

Nessa's kissmark - "your kiss will stay forever"

Nessa - "the eternal princess"

Black Rose "all beauty hurts"

777 "a tribute to myself"

369 - "a tribute to myself"


  1. Yuuuuuuuuuu!
    He. Is. So. Effing. Sexy.

    Seven, seven, seven, seven, seven! Oh, boy... :D

    -Twin of Annoymous

  2. He's Got A New One, To Cover Up The "Nessa" Its Scales Down His Hand/Arm Very Nice :)

  3. meeeen yu are a black angel in life

  4. this guy is a fucking faggot.... chinese letters? thats so gay... u dont have any badass tatts at all faggot. stay away from california you german queer.... you are a faggot dude, just admit that you're bisexual already, dicklover

  5. he says hes straight but even if he is gay or bi, so what, thats his choice, his life, i dont have a problem with him having a controversial sexuality, build a fucking bridge and get the fuck over you freaking homophobic dickface, so fraking what if hes gay?!

  6. he has girlfirend for veery long a blond beautiful girl i love Yu he is hot and beautiful

  7. This is a form of art. If someone wishes to express there art though Chinese letters you shouldn’t judge. Don’t get me wrong you have the right to have freedom of speech. However using such foul language in such a degrading way is wrong. This artist has put himself out there and showed the world his art work. This takes a lot of confidence to do so. Additionally to this if someone choices to be bisexual you shouldnt judge them for that either. As I said before you have the right to your opinion and say it, but there is a right way and a wrong way. In the future, stop and think what you are about to say before posting. On the others side of you message is a real human being that has emotion and feelings just like you. The fact that you choice to be anonymous tell be that you do not have the guts to say this to his face. Are you willing to live up to the quinces of your words or will you always cower behind the screen of the internet?
