- Who is your ideal in your creative work and in common life?
- Strify: I can name lots of people, whom I admire, but I can`t say, that they are famous. These are my closest friends and dear people. People, whom I appreciate most of all.
- With which animal do you associate yourself?
- Kiro: Monkeys, eagles
- Strify: I like dogs.
- Yu:I associate myself only with Phoenix.
- Shin: With giraffe, I think.
- Rom3o:With wolf, because when I am with my friends, I`m always bad boy.
- On stage you use elements of kallanetik, is it coincidence or you have really concerned yourself with kallanetik?
- Strify: What is it?
-This is a dance style.
-Strify: Really? I don`t know about it.
- Kiro: Is it from Russia?
- No, it`s from Europe.
- Kiro: Is it like a tectonic?
- Yes, it is. It came in Russia from Europe. But it was really interesting for us to ask you this question.
- Strify: Oh! (laughing) I really don`t know about it. It Is interesting…
- What can you say about your stage names. Are they just part of your image orthey are part of your life?How do you call each other in your everyday life?
- Strify: From the very beginning I called Yu Yu and Kiro Kiro. Not so long ago we had a photosession and a photographer was very surprised, that we called each other such names. That, what people call stage names are real names for us. We dont wear masks, we are always Cinema Bizarre, we are always the same, and we need names to differ from each other. Kiro always calls me Strify and my mother also calls me Strify.
- What tendency of anime do you like: traditional or untraditional ?
- Strify: What does it mean: traditional or untraditional ( great surprise)
- Traditional is when boys love girls, untraditional is when boys are with boys and girls are with girls.
- Strify ( with more great surprise):I understand, but how is it connected with animals?
- We mean ANIME!
(Everybody is laughing aloud)
- Strify: I didnt catch, I thought that you meant animals, not anime! I prefer traditional anime and manga. Im a big fan of Sailor Moon, Nana.
-Do you watch any anime now?
- Rom3o: Now its difficult to watch, because we are in tour, but I have recordings of my favorite cartoons with me, which I can watch.
- What is more difficult for you during the tour, physical or moral tiredness?
- Strify: Its hard to say, because when we are in tour, lots of things happen: ascents and collapses, but its not bad. Its all right, Thats why I cant call it tiredness.
- What songs of 80s would you like to sing and to make remixes on?
- Strify: hungry eyes
- Rom3o: Space Man
- Strify: No, its already 90s.
- Strify: I`d sing with great pleasure « Grace Johnes». In the beginning of our musical career we made some remakes and even now we have made a remake of «Love Like Blood» by Killing Joke, the group, which opens our shows.
- Would you like to make more tattoo and piercing?
- Yu: Of course. I made and will make a lot of piercing. I pierce something, then take it out, then pierce again. Now I`ve pierced my nose. About tattoo, with time I am ready to make them on all my body.
- Kiro, whats the meaning of both your tattoos ?
- Kiro: Both tattoos mean trust. The trust in yourself, in family, in friends.
- Strify, why did you take off piercing form your lip?
- I wanted something new, something to change in myself. Thats why I am happy that I am what I am .
- Do you often tell lies? Is it acceptably for you such expression like «white lie»?
- Strify: I dont like to tell lies, but Im a good liar. If I tell how often I tell lies, it would be lie. My nose is growing when I tell lies. ( Points at Kiro) And his eyes always turn red. Now you know how often he lies! ( laughing)
- Kiro: Now I always have to wear sunglasses!
- What is your favorite model and brand of the car?
- Kiro: Jaguar, Porsche.
- Yu: Ford Mustang
- Rom3o: Golf, its a very small car for a guy, but like this model.
- Kiro: Polo. I have Polo in Berlin, but now my mother drives it.
- Have you ever watched any series or TV shows?
- Strify: I used to watch sometimes, when I was at school, but its a waste of time for me, but sometimes I need it. Sometimes I like to waste time this way. ( laughing)
- Would you waste your time for it, if you have it?
- Strify: I have no time now. And I wouldnt do it:)
- Did you ever experience the feeling of helpless fury?
- Strify: I think, every person tries it, but everyone tries it in different ways.
- How do you fight against it?
- Strify: When Im terribly angry or when Im very sad, the only way is to scream as loud as you can. It also helps when I am very nervous.
- Rom3o, when did you realize, that CB is your calling?
- Rom3o: I always knew it. I always knew, we ll be together.
- Strify, how do you think, when was the highest point in your career?
- Strify: There are no any specific highest points, sometimes something works well, sometimes bad. But I always value collapses, because we learn our own mistakes.
- Rom3o, you told, that youre vegetarian, what prompted you to it?
- Rom3o( laughing): I tried to be a vegetarian, eat cheese and milk, but when you are in tour, the conditions dont allow to be a vegetarian.
-Whats you biggest weakness?
- Strify: Chocolate
- Kiro: To be angry in the morning.
- Shin, tell us, please, something special, which is connected with your birthday, it will be soon. Where did you celebrate it, for example last year?
- Shin: It was in the restaurant last year. I didn`t celebrate my 18th b-day, because we were than in tour.
07/11/09 “Tochka” Club. ( Moscow ).
Your Fantasy & Jane ( specially for ALL STARS )
Translated by Nan, specially for ORKS[int]
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